Will Sweeney
Class of 2019
Music Major
The Desire to Succeed
I’ll be honest, Heidelberg wasn’t my first choice. In fact, it wasn’t really on my list of prospective schools at all. It wasn’t until my mom convinced me to give The Berg a chance and take a tour of campus. After my tour, I was hooked. What really drew me into the university was the school’s inviting atmosphere. Not only that, but the professors want to see the students succeed as much as the students do. You can’t find that quality of care anywhere else, which is what makes Heidelberg’s small size so appealing. I feel like I have a voice, a purpose, a chance for success around every corner. I wouldn’t trade the opportunities Heidelberg has given me for anything.
Greek Fraternity President
Within the many facets of the university, Greek life has been the most influential. I am a member of Sigma Tau Nu, a men’s fraternity founded in 1949. I joined the group in the fall of 2015, and I must say, it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made while at The Berg. I am currently serving as fraternity president, which seemed like a dream back when I was a freshman. As president, I oversee fraternity regulations, preside over all meetings, appoint temporary committees and other various positions as well as preside over the executive board.
Involvement = Opportunity
Getting involved is more than just meeting friends. It shows that you want to make an impact on your community. You have to grab the opportunities in front of you; you can’t just sit back and wait for them to fall into your lap. I choose to be involved because I’m a people person. The people you are with most have the biggest impact on who you become, so take a chance and get to know as many people as you can. You never know where it might take you.
Gaining Knowledge
In high school, I was dead set on majoring in music. I started to look into biology during my sophomore year. I think my interest really took off when I took human anatomy my senior year of high school. Learning about what makes a human a human and how the body works just made me want to learn more. Biology was my ticket to gaining that knowledge so I took it! In the end, I realized that music was still where my heart was at so I officially became a music major this year. I've really gained so much in the process of setting my major.
Student Alumni Association
The Student Alumni Association is a group of students composed of freshman through senior classes, who are led by Ashley Helmstetter and Bob Youngblood, and work directly with the Alumni Engagement Office. The students are there to help facilitate various university events that are held for the alumni. We assist in registration, transportation, answering questions and many other vital pieces of every event. These events are time for us students to network with the alumni.
Networking is a big help with getting your foot in the door and SAA is one of the best ways to do that! I joined SAA because I saw how much fun the students had working with alumni. My parents are alumni of Heidelberg and when coming back here with them for various events, I was able to meet many of the awesome alumni that Heidelberg has produced! I enjoy connecting with alumni because I feel it's important to any student’s success. Alumni are our lifelines to life beyond the 'Berg so I enjoy hearing what advice they have to give, along with the many fascinating stories they have to tell about their experiences while on campus.
Fun Facts
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
Favorite Class: Anatomy and Physiology and Music Theory
Netflix recommendation: RIVERDALE!!!
Favorite Actor and Actress: Titus Burgess and Amy Poehler
Favorite Dad joke: Me: “I sent some money through the wash.” Dad: “That’s illegal you know, laundering money.”
Social Media Platform: Twitter
Favorite Campus Event: Homecoming! (Alumni are the best!)
Campus Involvements: Some of the other organizations that I am a part of include the Euglossian Society, Delta Sigma Chi, Concert Choir, SCRUBS pre-professional club, and I am a member of the Residence Life staff.
Read more in the Humans of Heidelberg series.