Accounting and Economics Major
I chose Heidelberg because it was the only school to really give me a chance athletically and I loved the campus. It felt old yet new.
I majored in Accounting & Economics because I took an accounting class my senior year of high school and enjoyed it so figured it would be a good route to go.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was COVID. It was tricky to get through but I handled it by keeping in contact with my friends from school and going out and about as much as possible to keep me sane.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me in the sense that things aren’t always going to be easy and vice versa. Lots of ups and downs accompanied by long nights occasionally. But you learn to persevere and get things done and everything finds a way to work out.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in football and Residence Life.
My favorite extracurricular activity was football. It gave me a good escape when academics might’ve been getting rough and I was able to spend time with friends and really enjoy myself while playing.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Coach Branden Jakubcin. We have a running joke on the football team that he’s “Coach Dad.” He’s always been there for us and don’t know where I’d be without him.
My advice to new freshman me would be that time really does fly by, as cliché as it sounds. After my freshman year, the next three were over before I knew it. Take your time and enjoy everything you possibly can during your academic career.
My favorite Heidelberg memory is our freshman HYPE trip to Hocking Hills. I met people I’m going to know and be around for a lifetime and it forced me to interact and get out of my shell.
My plans after graduation are to return for the MBA program and play one last year of college football.