I chose Heidelberg because of the supportive and personal atmosphere. I toured multiple times and everyone I came in contact with said hello and wanted to get to know me. Before I came to Heidelberg, I knew that I wanted to study Political Science, so I sat in on one of Dr. Marc O’Reilly’s classes. It was an engaging class that got me excited about Heidelberg. After sitting in on the class, I went out to lunch with Dr. O’Reilly and some of his students where we further discussed the opportunities at Heidelberg and the Department of Political Science. These personalized opportunities throughout the recruitment process made sure that I never felt like a number. All of these experiences made the Berg feel like the home that I wanted for undergrad.
I majored in Political Science because I wanted to study a topic that really interests me. I also knew that the classes that I would take, as a Poli Sci major, would prepare me for law school.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was managing my life-threatening food allergies. I handled this by reaching out to people on campus who I knew would be able to help. Certified Nurse Practitioner Janelle Baldosser, Accessibility Coordinator Douglass Stoll, and the chefs at Hoernemann were extremely helpful! During my freshman year, I was asked to be the student representative on the Allergy Action Committee. I was honored to serve on the committee where I could address allergy concerns of myself and my peers. In my latter years at the Berg, Clean Plate was created. This major allergen-free kitchen has allowed students, like myself, to confidently eat safe and delicious food on campus.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to be a successful leader. I was given countless leadership opportunities that allowed me to grow over the past 4 years. As the Student Chair of the Student Research Conference Executive Committee, I developed organizational skills that allowed me to orchestrate successful campuswide conferences. In my final year on the committee, I learned how to pivot to an online format for the conference. Within Student Senate, I became the resident expert on Robert’s Rules of Order and empowered the future leaders of the group by teaching them about the rules in bite size “tidbits” each week. Within Model UN, I learned negotiation skills and a broader understanding of how cultural differences affect negotiation strategies. The interdisciplinary nature of the courses that I have taken at Heidelberg have also improved my ability to think critically about difficult topics, which is a skill that is necessary for successful leadership.
Outside the classroom, I was involved in Speech Team, Student Senate, Model UN, Dance Team, Zeta Theta Psi, Psi Chi (psychology international honorary), Order of Omega (Greek Life honorary), Pi Kappa Delta (Forensics/Speech honorary), Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science honorary), Alpha Lambda Delta (First-Year Honors Society), the Student Research Conference Executive Committee, and the Allergy Action Committee.
My favorite extracurricular activity was the Speech Team because it was both challenging and rewarding. Professor Dan Higgins did an excellent job of coaching each of us to become the best possible version of ourselves. I will always cherish the memories of our van rides to different tournaments. The team allowed me to research and advocate on issues that I am passionate about. Through each speech and each tournament, my confidence, advocacy, and public speaking skills grew. When I am a successful lawyer someday, the Speech Team is going to be one of the reasons why.
One advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Dr. Marc O’Reilly because he was someone I could count on. Even before I started at the Berg, he kept tossing opportunities my way. Some of these opportunities included recruiting me to join Model UN with the intention of me eventually running the conference, taking me on senior Poli Sci trips in my early years, and asking me to be the student chair on the Student Research Conference Executive Committee. I am so grateful that he has mentored me for the past 4 years and I know that we will stay in touch.
My favorite Heidelberg memory was singing karaoke at a Zeta recruitment event my sophomore year. It was a fun event where I came out of my shell and it allowed me to become closer with my sisters.
My plans after graduation are to attend the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law starting in the Fall!